T&L Comms Survey
92% of #Transportation & #Logistics professionals agree. Seamless integration across all communication devices matters. Discover key trends in the T&L industry http://mts.so/C7DF49
92% of #Transportation & #Logistics professionals agree. Seamless integration across all communication devices matters. Discover key trends in the T&L industry http://mts.so/C7DF49
Download the complimentary multimodal survey report and learn what peers in industries like rail, trucking, air, marine shipping and warehousing/distribution shared.

- Key priorities for key segments of the T&L industry including rail, trucking, air, marine shipping and warehousing/distribution
- How teams are communicating today across each mode of the industry
- Top challenges, key priorities and investments for today and tomorrow
- How unified communications are helping boost on-time delivery, efficiency and safety
- Steps to enabling seamless collaboration from any location, network or device