Going beyond the critical 9-1-1 call, SchoolSAFE enables a two-way
radio connection, allowing emergency services personnel and school
officials to talk in real-time during and incident.
Motorola Solutions and SchoolSAFE have teamed up to offer a solution
that makes it possible for school-based radio systems to connect
directly and securely with the radios used by first responders. Now,
with training and our solution, SchoolSAFE Certified Ready school
personnel are instantly connected to community police, fire, EMS and
9-1-1 call centers for reliable, secure, two-way communication during a
Over 230 SchoolSAFE installations have been completed to protect staff and students with SchoolSAFE. Is your communications system equipped for a crisis?
Over 230 SchoolSAFE installations have been completed to protect staff and students with SchoolSAFE. Is your communications system equipped for a crisis?

Public safety and schools: On the same wavelength
SchoolSAFE Communications is a web-enabled, two-way-radio-based product that allows for communications interoperability between school radio systems and public safety radio systems.
Public Safety and Schools
Watch this video.
Less than 4 minutes.
No one says you should not have better communications during an emergency.
Reliable features for crisis communication
The SchoolSAFE system, combined with
Motorola's digital radios, delivers the reliable technology you need to
create the enhanced safety for your school communication system.
Remote Activation
This powerful, yet easy-to-use activation/de-activation tool gives SchoolSAFE an IP address and access to both public safety and school data networks, so audio communications via radio frequencies are instantly available for rapid response. Full redundancy allows you to remotely activate your SchoolSAFE Network.Radio-to-PA Connection
The dispatcher activates the bridge and connects directly to the school safety teams or district employees using radios. MOTOTRBO telemetry connects the radios to the PA system when needed. This is instrumental for safety team members, allowing them to make necessary announcements over the PA system anywhere in their building, directly from their radio.Easy, One-Click Activation
With just the click of a button, SchoolSAFE opens the critical lines of communication between school personnel and first responders. School personnel use their radios to communicate directly with the first responders' P25 system when needed and remain under complete control by public safety authorities.Comprehensive Training
The SchoolSAFE Training Program certifies school safety teams, including a full training about communicating effectively with first responders throughout the entirety of an incident. This training should be completed annually by the school safety teams and first responders to ensure everyone is "SchoolSAFE Certified Ready".Be prepared. Be Safe.

Communicate in Real Time.
From the moment SchoolSAFE is activated, your staff can communicate with first responders in real-time. They are able to exchange important information while the first responder team is in transit and throughout the emergency response to ensure continuity and a constant stream of real-time communication.

Mobile Access
In a crisis, landlines and cell networks can be bogged down and unresponsive. Having a reliable two-way radio communication system keeps the school radio user in touch with first responders at any given time.

Time-saving = Life-saving
Shaving minutes off response time with better communication can mean the difference between life and death for a student or school personnel.

Upgradable and Expandable
SchoolSAFE features a modular design that can grow or expand as radio systems change. You also have the option to add a second channel for daily use by school security and administrative personnel, optimizing your investment in a new set of radios so they can be used for day-to-day operations and also as standby for emergencies.

Installation and Training
SchoolSAFE handles all installation and training services to help ensure your equipment and staff are prepared and stay Certified Ready should an emergency situation arise.

All programming and equipment are fully compliant with FCC rules and regulations to satisfy licensing demands.
Free Grant Assistance

Looking for funding to improve school safety? The grant research and application process can be challenging to navigate. That's why we've partnered with the grant experts at EducationGrantsHelp.com. They can help you find, prepare, and submit high-quality applications so you have the best chance of getting the funding your school communications.